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Yoga is becoming very popular all over the world, it is widely recognized as one of the best arts, but unfortunately sometimes yoga is equated with physical exercise, but in fact there is a version of the difference between physical exercise and yoga.

In order to understand what yoga is, we have to fall back on some of the Indian scriptures that explain what yoga is, one of the best escape scriptures that explains yoga is Patanjali. Patanjali says a strong yoga which is roughly submitted in writing around the second or third century that there are eight limbs in Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi yoga.

So like that he says eight limbs are there in yoga, so his yoga model is called Astanga-Yoga model.


Power Yoga is a fitness term that emphasizes strength and flexibility, delivers cardio punch training, which is rigorous and revitalizing that involves going through and maintaining postures to gain strength and build internal heat so anatomically. It makes sense even though it’s really hard work using the rhythm of your chest to determine how fast your body is moving.

Power Yoga is best for people who seek an athletic flow to help increase flexibility, build strength, and feel refreshed. In fact, journaled yoga has increased flexibility and strength, as the two main benefits of yoga. Well, there are definitely a few modifications you can make to a power flow and props are easily added to a powerful yoga practice.


Zumba is a basic dance fitness class and it combines Latin and world dance rhythms and movements into a fitness routine that incorporates interval training.

Zumba is a full body workout, you work cardio, muscle strength, flexibility, balance and calorie burning, having a good time is great stress relief, on average you convert around 369 calories in a one hour session. And it really depends on how much effort you put in, the more effort you put in, the more fun you have, the more calories you burn. Typically, a Zumba class can last anywhere from 45 minutes to almost an hour depending on your exercise program.


Aerobic exercise is a format of exercise that you can maintain for a long period of time, the main goal of aerobic exercise is to work your heart rate and heart muscles as well as the muscles of the lungs. In fact, aerobic exercise is correct of moderate intensity and can be performed for an extended period.

Some of the examples of aerobic exercise are very simple activities that we do in everyday life – brisk walking, jogging, marathon, swimming, static cycling are examples of aerobic activity, the main goal of aerobic exercise is to improve the strength of your cardio-respiratory system, which means the goal is to improve endurance and endurance.


Cardiovascular exercise is anything we do that requires cyclic movement or repetitive motion, trying to use major muscles, such as walking, jogging, skipping rope, swimming, gardening, dancing, etc.

The question we are almost faced with, how much cardiovascular exercise do we really need, the recommendation is to get at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity every week now, that being said, if you are not currently doing no minutes of cardiovascular exercise, you shouldn’t go from zero to 150 next week, the key here is to slowly increase the amount of physical activity you do to achieve this goal and even a little more is better if you hit 150 and think you can do more, you can go up to 300 and keep increasing that benefit. The most important thing is to find your cadence, not to force yourself, to find something that will really suit you and for your life the key is to move every day.



In the modern world, the South Asian art of yoga has expanded to all corners of the globe. While it is now a popular form of exercise and meditation, this has not always been the case.

In more recent years, it has become popular as a form of physical exercise based upon poses that promote improved control of the mind and body and enhance well-being.

There are several different types of yoga and many disciplines within the practice. This article explores the history, philosophy, and various branches of yoga.


Power yoga is a general term used to describe a vigorous, fitness-based approach to vinyasa-style yoga. Though many consider power yoga to be superficial “gym yoga,” this style of yoga practice was originally closely modeled on the Ashtanga method.

Power yoga incorporates the athleticism of Ashtanga, including lots of vinyasas (series of poses done in sequence) but gives each teacher the flexibility to teach any poses in any order, making every class different.



Aerobic exercise is a moderately intense physical activity, which improves your cardio respiratory fitness and your overall health. Aerobic exercise counts as a stipulated physical activity that causes you to breathe hard and sweat. This exercises has a continuous beat or rhythm to it which indulges all your large muscle groups.
Generally, aerobic exercise will make you feel slightly out of breath. However, you can maintain the activity for lengthy periods without feeling the need to sit down and catch your breath. The most popular forms of aerobic exercise include swimming, running, and walking. You can do aerobic exercise for weight loss at home as well, by doing physical activities such as spot marching, spot jogging,skipping, dancing, or by following an aerobic exercise video for weight loss.



Cardio exercise is any exercise that raises your heart rate. Face it our bodies were made to move. And we all know that to keep our muscles in shape we need move them. This movement makes them stronger and stronger muscles make for a more efficient and healthy body. Your heart is a muscle. Therefore working it makes it stronger. A stronger cardio-vascular system means more capillaries delivering more oxygen to cells in your muscles. This enables your cells to burn more fat during both exercise and inactivity.

Cardio exercise uses large muscle movement over a sustained period of time keeping your heart rate to at least 50% of its maximum level.


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